Discovery FormStep 1 of 333%Name* First Last Email* Phone*Website URL*Please select your company's monthly advertising budget* under $2,000 per month $2,000 & up per monththis includes Search Engine Optimization and internet media as a wholeTell us about your business*Which products or services would you like to sell more of?*Who is your ideal client?*Please be specific and thorough when explaining the avatar of your ideal customerWhat knowledge of SEO exists within the company?* None A Little A LotWhat is the size of the company?* 0 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 19 20+Select how many employees exist (internally) within the companyWhat is the average Lifetime value of your average customer?This is your profit over the life of that customerWhat is the title of your position in the company?*Positions could include but are not limited to: Founder, CEO, Marketing Director, Assistant, Vice PresidentPlease enter the URL of either your Google My Business, Facebook Business, or Yelp*We use this information to ensure you are part of a valid business, so please enter valid informationHow many additional customers would you like to acquire a month? Please set a number.Have you had previous SEO on your site? If so, please check the investment level.* Under $500 per month Under $1000 per month Over $1000 per monthPlease write as many keywords as you can think of that you would like to target online.*(Keywords are words typed into Google that your website will be visible for, example “Sydney Dentist”, "Travel to Australia prices", "Sydney best travel website" etc)Please list the radius and specific cities you would like to target.*If you're targeting national, just type "in the Australia" below.Are you doing any other forms of marketing?* SEO (Search Engine Optimization) PPC (Pay Per Click) (Facebook Ads, Google Adwords etc) RTB (Real Time Bidding) Video Marketing Email Marketing Social Media Offline Print, Radio, MediaPlease select ALL that applyWhat would you say has been your Most and Least Effective advertising method?*Please specify BOTH the most AND least effectiveWho is your competition?*Provide as many examples as you would likeWhat is your MONTHLY budget range for getting new customers?* $50,000 and up $25,000 - $49,999 $10,000 - $24,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Less than $1,000What does a successful SEO campaign look like to you and what do you expect to accomplish?*What is your core goal? If you were to have a discussion with Rank Hunters SEO 12 months from today, and you were looking back over the past year, what would have had to happen in your life both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your business's progress through a successful SEO campaign? Please be very specific with this response.Why do you think we should work with you?*Tell us what differentiates you from all the other applicants that would like to work with Rank Hunters SEO.